Friday, September 14, 2012

WT Celebrates International Dot Day!

Our school celebrated International Dot Day today. Dot Day is all being yourself and making a mark on the world.  Dot Day is based off the book, The Dot, by Peter Reynolds.

Dot Day was kicked off by a dot lunch.  Martha made dot bread and dot cookies for our lunch!  We even sat at different tables based on a dot sticker we received walking into the lunchroom.

After lunch, Mr. Parrot read the book, The Dot, by Peter Reynolds to all the students at WT.

Then each grade went back to their rooms for their own dot activities.  First and second grade students created unique dots with coffee filters. Students colored their coffee filters with markers then they were sprayed with water and we watched as the colors spread. We will be hanging our dots in our classroom windows after they dry over the weekend.

Students also participated in a dot scavenger hunt with iPads.  Students were allowed to go around the school grounds to take pictures of dots they saw.  We had a great time watching our slideshow of pictures taken from first and second grade students.  These pictures look like a professional photographer took them!

Lastly, we had our pictures taken inside the dot on the cover of The Dot.  We are really making a mark in the world!

We had a great Dot Day and can't wait to celebrate it next year!

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