Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1st and 2nd Grade Mock Election

Today Mrs. Young's 1st grade class and Mrs. Simon's 2nd grade class came together for a culmination activity for Social Studies. The last few weeks both classes have been studying the government and the leaders of our government. Both classes studied the voting process, too.

Since today is Election Day our classes had a mock election and voted on our ballots for who we wanted to be the next President of the United States. After voting students watched "You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown" and colored 'I Voted Today' stickers to wear.

The winner of our mock election, with 20 votes, was Mitt Romney!  President Barack Obama had only 5 votes.  We are excited to see who will actually win the election tonight!
Proudly showing off our "I Voted Today" stickers.

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