Tuesday, April 30, 2013

S.T.E.M. Engingeering Inspired by Nature Final Project

We finished our S.T.E.M. unit on Engineering Inspired by Nature this week. Students were to take what they learned about how seeds were dispersed and create a toy for Earth Toy Designs, Inc. that would stay in the air the longest.

First, students were put into groups and brainstormed their ideas.

Next, groups worked together to create their toy from their brainstorming session.

Then the toys were raced against each other in a round robin tournament. For each race 3 points were given to the toy that stayed in the air the longest, 2 points were given to each team if there was a tie, and 1 point for the toy that hit the floor first.
Team Skyscrapers came in 6th place with 5 points!
Team Hot Flyer came in 5th place with 8 points!
Team Organe Phoenix came in 4th place with 9 points!
Team White Balloon came in 3rd place with 10 points!
Team The Sun came in 2nd place with 13 points!
Team Flying Blue Bird came in 1st place with 15 points! Flying Blue Bird won all their races!
Congratulations to all the teams! You did a fantastic job and I saw so much learning take place during this unit!

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